How do we find meaning in life?
In this short presentation Christine Lambie looks at the work of Viktor Frankl – a psychiatrist, neurologist and philosopher, as well as Holocaust survivor. Christine
In this short presentation Christine Lambie looks at the work of Viktor Frankl – a psychiatrist, neurologist and philosopher, as well as Holocaust survivor. Christine
How can philosophy be a way of life? Pierre Hadot wrote about ancient Greek and Roman philosophers who approached philosophy with the goal and practice
Two Day Creative Writing Retreat Join us for a two day mid-week creative writing retreat at Waterperry House taking its magnificent frescos as our inspiration.
Philosophy Cafe Fridays A weekly get together of like minded people, who want to engage or recharge their interest in the practical benefits of studying
Each Tuesday during the term a tutor from the Economics with Justice course will present an economic gem which we hope will be of interest.
Much of Eastern philosophy originates from an oral tradition which was initially written down in Sanskrit. This language continues to be actively studied by students
Each Friday during the term a tutor from the Practical Philosophy course will present a philosophic gem which we hope will be of interest. Each
Start the day with some space, stillness and clarity at 8:30am UK time on Wednesdays. During the session a tutor from the Practical Philosophy course
The 9 week Practical Parenting Course – the Formative Years This nine week course offers a golden opportunity to parents, grandparents & carers to: Be
Online Course Philosophy aims to set you free. Free from pressures and worries, free from limiting ways of thinking, free to grow and be yourself
A tutor presents philosophical ideas, and leads a discussion based on what arises in the group. Being practical rather than academic, the emphasis is on personal knowledge and experience. Students are encouraged neither to accept nor reject the ideas put forward, but to test them in practice for themselves, in the light of their own experience.
“Absolutely loving the course!! …Really changing how I think about things and life in general.”
“...I am benefiting greatly from the content and the practical nature of it. Thank you, it is enriching my life.”
“The daily awareness exercises … have changed my thinking and I feel more relaxed about situations in the media and other aspects of my daily life.”
"The knowledge and experience that I have gained from the philosophy classes has helped me to discover more about myself and better prepare for dealing with life's daily surprises and challenges."
Many of our students tell us how life transformational our courses are.
So as a way of giving back and making our transformational ‘Introductory 10-week course’ affordable for as many people as possible, we are allowing you to enrol for this ‘FULL 10-week Introductory Course’ for…
…only £10, nothing more to pay!
(The equivalent of £1 per week).
Please note: This offer gives you a risk-free opportunity to experience our transformational courses first-hand. And yet, due to the low introductory pricing our introductory courses tend to get fully enrolled in advance.