Economics with Justice Online

The Economics with Justice course is offered online.

Times are tough. War, climate change, rising prices and inequality are today’s headlines. Are these inevitable, or can we start working for a different world, one where we can all find prosperity and freedom?

History shows that whenever people work together, they can create great wealth. But for you to get rich do I have to suffer? For me to get rich do you have to suffer? If we both want to prosper can we do it without impoverishing someone else?

But how should we do that? This vital and challenging question is at the heart of our courses. So many of today’s ills spring from the prevailing concept of economics being independent of fairness and morality.

zoom online course philosophy economics

This 10 session course addresses economics as a human subject, the study of relationships between individuals, institutions and communities; based on human values. Hence the importance of what we value, what ethical standing we hold.

10 session course

Each session features a topic presentation designed to encourage discussion and reflection. Come and join us in this fascinating exploration.

This introductory 10 week course is available 3 times per year, in:

  • January
  • May
  • September
Economics with Justice Course

Local Course

Local face-to-face evening courses available locally

Peace of Mind

Established 1937, delivering courses for over 80 years.

Practical Wisdom

Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living. Meet with like minded individuals.

This popular course is practical rather than academic and draws on sources of wisdom from East and West, past and present.

What some of our students say...

Local Course

Local face-to-face evening courses available at a choice of locations.

Practical Wisdom

Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living. Meet with like minded individuals.


Many of our students tell us how life transformational our courses are.

So as a way of giving back and making our transformational ‘Introductory 10-week course’ affordable for as many people as possible, we are allowing you to enrol for this ‘FULL 10-week Introductory Course’ for…

…only £10, nothing more to pay!

(The equivalent of £1 per week).

Please note: This offer gives you a risk-free opportunity to experience our transformational courses first-hand. And yet, due to the low introductory pricing our introductory courses tend to get fully enrolled in advance.